iRobot Roomba R692020 Roomba 692 Indoor Wi-Fi Robot Vacuum

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iRobot Roomba R692020 Roomba 692 Indoor Wi-Fi Robot Vacuum

• Roomba(R) Robot Vacuum features 3-stage cleaning system to autonomously clean home ;• Adaptive navigation utilizes full suite of sensors to clean under and around furniture, and along edges;• Automatically raises and lowers cleaning head for carpet and hard floor; edge-sweeping brush cleans corners and edges;• Dirt Detect(TM) sensors alert robot to dirtier areas, like high-traffic spots, and leans them more thoroughly; Cliff detect keeps robot from falling down stairs;• Scheduling function controls when robot cleans;• Compatible with Alexa(R) and Google Assistant(TM) ;• Li-Ion battery holds charge up to 90 minutes before robot automatically returns to dock and recharges;• 2-year limited warranty;• Includes Home Base(R) charging station and user manual;